Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cottonwood, CA Burnsini Vineyards

Reno NV - Cottonwood, CA

Miles Traveled   226
Trip Total          4026
Travel Time       5:20

States visited: FL, GA, AL, MS, LA, TX, NM, AZ, UT, NV, California

Leaving Reno we headed to Burnsini Vineyards (Harvest Host) in Cottonwood, CA.  There was not a big hurry to get to the winery, it was just a stop on our way to the California coast.    

The winery was located in the back of a residential neighborhood and once again we found ourselves driving down several dirt roads to get there.  I do not understand why the western states do not like to pave their roads.   The directions the winery posted include "please keep your speed under 5mph to keep your dust down and our neighbors happy!)  The winery was easy to find and get to, except for their drivewave.  The driveway was very narrow with several turns and a couple of very low branches.  

The low branches and Class A motorhomes do not go together well.  After setting up, I saw there were several scrapes down the side of the RV.  After spending an hour waxing the scrapes off, it seems they did not scratch the paint, just marred the surface.  Good thing I planned to fully detail the RV when we get home. Between the dust, dirt bugs, and what not it already needs a good cleaning.   The down side of traveling is most RV parks do not let us wash the RV's.

One thing we did not realize was how hot is was going to be in Cottonwood.  Since the vineyard is a Harvest Host site we had no electric, which meant no AC unless we ran the generator.  Rather than run the generators we headed into the winery to enjoy their wine and air conditioning.  While enjoying the wine we also made our reservations for the next week or so.  

So far we have been very lucky and have not had any stops where we could not find sites available. Mark has been planning our route and which towns we stop in, and then we find a campground.  Because we are flexible it makes it a lot easier, if our "target" town does not have space available, or if we don't like the campgrounds we just head somewhere else.

A perfect example is Eureka, CA, leaving Cottonwood, Eureka was going to be our next stop.  None of the campgrounds had very good reviews and some reviews said absolutely do not stay.  Based on that we decided to go to Trinidad CA.  Also Elizabeth the hostess at the winery suggested we skip Eureka, and head to Trinidad.  She also gave us several other recommendations as we head towards Seattle, WA.

In the morning we head to the coast!!!

We're Home!!!!

Madison Wisconsin - Ewing NJ 6/27/24 Miles Traveled    933 Trip Total           8256 Travel Time      15:38 States visited: FL, GA, AL, MS...