Friday, June 14, 2024

Ellensburg WA

Enumclaw, WA - Ellensburg, WA

Miles Traveled   118
Trip Total          5429
Travel Time       2:45

States visited: FL, GA, AL, MS, LA, TX, NM, AZ, UT, NV, CA, OR, Washington

Leaving Enumclaw we have 12 days to get to Yellowstone.  Yellowstone is the first stop on our trip that we made reservations in advance.  Even making those reservations eight months in advance we will need to change campsites during our stay.   We could easily make it in four days, but we will be taking our time.   

From Enumclaw we headed to Ellensburg where we spent the night on a farmed owned by a friends (Katie) sister Ellen.  Ellen has a small herd of cattle on forty acres and was nice enough to let us spend the night.  OMG what a beautiful view, from the RV we were overlooking the horse pen, and the cattle in the fields, and past that were farm fields where they were cutting hay.  In addition to the view we were able to "meet" some of the cattle including a very pregnant jersey cow (due any day), a bull and a couple of calves that were born this spring.  

We were also entertained by Peggy, Ellen's horse.  Peggy was very friendly and loves attention. When ever we would stop paying attention to her, she would bang her hoove on the metal fence.

We only spent one day in Ellensburg but at Katie's recommendation Angel & I headed into town to check out the Ellensburg Rodeo Hall Of Fame.   The Ellensburg Rodeo started in 1923 and has run every year since.  The Hall Of Fame was formed to preserve the history and traditions of the Rodeo.  In addition to learning about the history of the rodeo we also learned that Ellensburg is the "Mecca of Roping".  

While in Tombstone AZ I bought a "Rope" and have been playing with it.  It looks much easier than it really is.  I can promise there is not a cow on this planet that has to worry about me being able to rope it!

Saturday we will be heading to Moses Lake.

We're Home!!!!

Madison Wisconsin - Ewing NJ 6/27/24 Miles Traveled    933 Trip Total           8256 Travel Time      15:38 States visited: FL, GA, AL, MS...