Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Deming, NM

Carlsbad, NM - Deming, NM

Miles Traveled   232
Trip Total          2275
Travel Time       4:30

States visited: FL, GA, AL, MS, LA, TX,  New Mexico

The ride from Carlsbad to Deming was very uneventful. The only interesting things we saw on the trip was signs warning us of possible dust storms, and what to do if we are caught in a sandstorm.  While we did not see any dust storms we did see sand swirling like small tornados across the desert.

Deming, NM was a small town with nothing to offer us but a Harvest Host to spend the night.  Deming is the Midpoint between Carlsbad and Tucson.  Leaving Carlsbad the first thing you notice is the sign stating that there were no services for the next 145 miles. For 145 miles we saw little to no signs of life, most of the houses we saw along the roads looked abandoned.  

At Deming we stayed at a winery D.H Lescombes Winery.  Not only do the produce wine, thay have a small restaurant.  I am not sure how they make any money, While we were there two people came in for a glass of wine, and the six of us had dinner.  Even for a week night that was not much business.  After dinner we sat under the trees and played Mexican Train until it got to dark to see.

Even though we did not encounter any dust storms, The wind was pretty strong and dust was blowing everywhere.  Harvest Host do not offer any hookups, so we had no electric.  Rather than run the generator for the air conditioner, we started with the windows open,  That did not last long, between the heat and dust coming in the windows we ended up closing the windows and running the air condition.

Tomorrow we will be heading to Tucson, AZ  one more state under our belt.

We're Home!!!!

Madison Wisconsin - Ewing NJ 6/27/24 Miles Traveled    933 Trip Total           8256 Travel Time      15:38 States visited: FL, GA, AL, MS...